Travelers part
"I agree that I am personally liable for the payment of account and if the person, company or association indicated by me as being responsible for payment of the same does not do so that my liability for such payment shall be joint and several with such person, company or association,"
Upon check-in, an authentication and authorization request will be placed on your credit/debit card in an amount equal to the cost of the room, tax and any incidental charges estimated for the length of your stay The credit card details held on file by us will be used to authenticate you as the cardholder and held in our systems for the duration of your stay with us so that you can add charges to your folio as your stay with us progresses. Upon check-out, your payment card will be charged for the actual amount incurred during your stay. You provide consent to us to apply any charges for damages or late folio charges applicable after check-out and these will appear on your payment card statement.
“I authorize to receive commercial information by email”.
In compliance with the regulations established on Protection of Personal Data, and in particular Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on the protection of personal data and guarantee of digital rights, you are informed that the data collected will be processed for administrative and police purposes within the framework of Organic Law 4/2015, of March 30, on the Protection of Citizen Security, as well as, where appropriate, for the processing of the corresponding sanctioning file; all this, in the exercise of public powers conferred by law and based on the public interest. The data may be communicated to competent bodies in the matter and to judicial bodies, as well as to Security Forces and Bodies; also contemplating the Schengen international framework of action or any other by virtue of the agreements, treaties and conventions in force. The information will be kept as long as its maintenance is of police, procedural or judicial interest, the provisions of the archives and documentation regulations also being applicable. Rights (access, rectification, cancellation, limitation of treatment, etc.) can be exercised in Viceconsejería de Seguridad -Dirección de Coordinación de Seguridad/Centro de Elaboración de Datos de la Policía de Euskad-, at Larrauri Mendotxe bidea 18, 48950-Erandio, Bizkaia. Contact - -. The affected persons may submit claims to the Basque Data Protection Agency (Beato Tomás de Zumárraga, 71 3rd floor, 01008 Vitoria-Gasteiz, Araba), when their rights regarding the processing of personal data are violated.
The data you provide us will be processed to manage your stay at the establishment and send you commercial information of interest, if you have checked the corresponding box. The basis of legitimacy is the execution of the contracted services and compliance with legal obligations, as well as consent for the sending of commercial communications. If you do not provide the necessary data, it will not be possible to manage your accommodation.
The establishment has the legal obligation to identify all guests and not only the person paying for the stay, as well as send the list of guests to the competent Security Forces and Bodies. The data may be communicated to banking entities for payment of the stay and other services, to the Tax Agency by legal obligation, to Courts and Tribunals in case of conflict for the correct defense of our interests.
The data will be kept as long as the relationship is maintained and you do not request its deletion and in any case in compliance with the applicable legal and prescription periods. You can exercise the rights of access, rectification, deletion, portability and limitation or opposition and withdraw consent when it is the basis of legitimacy by requesting the address indicated above, proving your identity. You have the right to complain to the Spanish Data Protection Agency,
Datu Pertsonalak Babesteari buruzko araudian eginbeharraren arabera, eta bereziki 3/2018 Lege Organikoa, abenduaren 5ekoa, Datu Pertsonalak Babesteari eta eskubide digitalak bermatzeari buruzkoa, honako hau adierazten da: Jasotako datuak erabiliko dira helburu administratibo eta polizietarako, martxoaren 30eko 4/2015 Lege Organikoaren esparruan, Herritarren Segurtasunaren Babesarena, eta baita ere, horrela balitz, zehapen-espedientea izapidetzeko. Guzti hori, legeak ezarritako herri-botereen jardueran eta interes publikoan oinaturrik. Datuak komunika daitezke eskumena duten erakundeei, organo judizialei eta Segurtasun Indar eta Kidegoei; baita ere Schengen nazioarteko esparrua aintzat hartzen da edota beste edozein jarduketa indarreko hitzarmen eta akordioen arabera. Informazioa gordeko da interes poliziala, prozedimentala edo judiziala dagoen bitartean; artxibo eta dokumentazioren araudia ere ezarriko da. Eskubideak baliatu ahal izango dira (sarrera, zuzenketa, ezeztapena, tratamenduaren mugaketa, etab.) hurrengo erakundean: Segurtasun Sailburuordetza –Segurtasuna Koordinatzeko Zuzendaritza / Euskadiko Poliziaren Datu Bilketarako Zentroa- Larrauri Mendotxe Bidea 18, 48950 – Erandio (Bizkaia). Kontaktua - -. Interesadunek erreklamazioak aurkez ditzakete Datuak Babesteko Euskal Bulegoan (Beato Tomás de Zumárraga, 71 3. soilairua, 01008 Vitoria-Gasteiz, Araba), heuren eskubideak kalteturik izatean datu pertsonalen tratamenduaren arabera.